STOCKHOLM | Thursday 14 Sept 18:30
Meet Christoffer Carlsson
and get to know detective Leo Junker and the world of crime
The Leo Junker series – about a young police officer teetering on the edge of the law, crippled by both trauma in the past and bad judgment in the present. Although Leo can’t let go of the crimes he must investigate, his obsession isn’t due to some deep sense of duty; Leo is haunted by the crimes because they in some way seem to be about him.
As a criminologist, Christoffer Carlsson is more interested in the motivations behind the crimes than the crimes themselves. His books are about the why rather than the what. And, most of all, they are about the who.
Recently released: October is the Coldest Month, a young adult mystery.
Tickets 60:- (incl snacka and refreshments) online at www.billetto.se/nordic-noir-carlsson or at the bookshop.